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WordPress vs Blogger(blogspot) which one is the best free blogging platform?

WordPress.comwordpress vs blogger

Automattic, Inc. hosts and maintains free blogging platform using the dot.com extension. This free blogging platform helps blog owners create remarkable content without any interruption. Content is backed-up automatically, secure, and their expert support team maintains the technical side of the software.
Keep in mind that WordPress also offers a self hosted version of its blogging platform which will cover in the next few days.

The benefits for choosing this platform are tremendous, including:

Easy to navigate Dashboard:

The administration area called Dashboard is easy to navigate, making this its main attraction while categories are well organized and intuitive.

Dual options for writing content:

Blog owners can choose to write content quickly using the QuickPress editor. This option has been updated with a new editor called the quick post form. Alternatively, if blog owners prefer to write comprehensive content they can click on Add New Post. Here, the content can be written in visual or text mode. The visual editor is similar to a word processor while the text editor is for those who prefer HTML coding. Switching between the two modes is easy.

Built-in widgets:

Having a large number of widgets makes the blog highly functional. For instance, owners can share their tweets by activating the Twitter widget. Furthermore, they can allow their friends to like content by activating the Facebook Like Box. These widgets can make a blog friendly to social media networking sites.

Built-in spam checker:

The Askimet widget will prevent spam from entering comments. With this powerful spam checking tool, blog owners can moderate comments in order to become free from unwanted posts.

Built-in site stats

Traffic is important for a blog to be successful. This software offers traffic counts based on days, weeks and months. Owners can easily monitor their blog’s popularity by checking the top referrers, popular posts, pages, and how many follow or share.

WordPress.com also enhances its functionality by allowing the blog owner to import posts from different platforms. For example, content from LiveJournal or Typepad can be transferred. Furthermore, blogging with WordPress.com will help to differentiate blogs from others as there are more than 190 themes available. They range from professional appearing to fun and simple. Switching themes is easy and smooth, without disrupting content and images.

Last but not least, since plugins are not available, blog owners can purchase a domain name for $ 18.00 a year. If the blog attracts many visitors, upgrading it to allow for customization is worth it.

All the benefits of using WordPress.com show why it is popular. However, the following rival blogging software also offers benefits that make it well known among blog owners.


First established in 1999, and now owned by Google, Blogger platform has a simple design and is easy to use. As a free hosting blog, anyone who wants to use it for their blog will find the software beneficial.

This includes the following features:

Easy to create content:

Blog owners can create a blog using their Google account or Gmail. The administration page is simple and straightforward.

Two options for viewing content:

Blog owners can create and view content in What You See Is What You Get format, or WYSIWYG, or in HTML.

Easy to add Gadgets:

This software offers tools similar to plugins called Gadgets. Blog owners can select from basic, featured and most popular Gadgets. If they have their own Gadget they can also embed it. Furthermore, there are many social media Gadgets available, including Google+, Twitter and Facebook. These Gadgets can be embedded in convenient spots in the blog layout.

Built-in Stats:

Basic traffic information is displayed in a simple layout. Blog owners can monitor visitors in real time. Additionally, they can also monitor by country, browser and operating system. Furthermore, the source of traffic can be found through referring URLs and referring sites.

Secure blog from spam comment:

This software has a built-in spam capturing tool. Blog owners will automatically see the captured comment before deleting it.

This software emphasizes simplicity and caters to those who prefer an instant blog site. However, blog owner can customize their blog URL by using their own domain or can purchase one. The blog’s credibility can be boosted if the owner has purchased their own domain. This increases the opportunity to attract more visitors.

When comparing these two blogging services, WordPress has the most comprehensive features as compared to Blogger. The former offers complete tools to make blogging effective, and yet it is easy for someone without a background in HTML to use. At the same time, WordPress.com offers more options for those who have basic skills in scripting languages as they can upgrade and customize their blog. On the other hand, the Google’s Blogger platform focuses on users who prefer an effortless blog. This blogging platform is designed in such a way that blog owners can blog immediately without thinking about the layout or scripting.

In concluding, WordPress.com blogging platform is the best software and service for blog owners who prefer comprehensive tools for blogging. It also provides the most number of options to upgrade when necessary.

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