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Search Results for: blogger

Link your Google+ profile to your WordPress blog

Many of you may have wondered how on earth some bloggers managed to show their Google profile in Google search results about queries related to their wordpress blogs, like this one for example: There are three possible ways to do it, first one is the easiest one too requires buying a premium plugin(price … [Read more...]

Adsense reporting on the fly using Chrome plugin by Google

Adsense is probably the most famous revenue platform for bloggers and website owners, even though Google has spent a lot of time and effort making their Adsense frontend platform as user friendly as possible many of us get really frustrated using it because of the wealth of information available. If you are … [Read more...]

Create your own WordPress blog in just 12 minutes

One of the things that many people are doing wrong from the start is creating their online presence using blogging services like Blogspot.com or Wordpress.com(even though we love Wordpress.org). The reason I don't like these sites is that your content belongs to them(read their TOS carefully) while at the … [Read more...]

Generate External Links to Your Web Site

External inbound links are an important tool of search engine optimization (SEO), but how do you go about creating them? The definition of an “external” link is one inbound to your web site from someone else’s web site. You don’t control the content of someone else’s web site, so how can you create such … [Read more...]

Best Video WordPress Themes for 2012

Video content in 2011 achieved a tremendous growth following statistical reports showing that video converts to a sale and returning visitors far better than any text content. Every website no matter how small is trying to keep up this trend and re-design their themes into a more video friendly ones. Below I … [Read more...]