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Search Results for: seo

Buying websites is the new trend but be careful – random Latonas listing as example

It seems like some domain brokers are now trying to sell online properties aka websites as well. They are probably following a trend where domainers get more and more into buying websites instead of domains and reselling them for a profit. Since I ve been there myself I thought its time to write down a short … [Read more...]

Domainer Tools for finding and registering dropping domains that you should try or buy

Domaining is all about odds, everyone is trying to find the best domains to buy and pay the least amount for them. This usually happens with domain drops where some valuable domains for some reason arent renewed from their previous owner and eventually they drop in the pending delete phase and after some days … [Read more...]

Google Chrome favourite extensions as a domainer

Domaining requires many clicks, alt+tabs, esc's and other keystrokes that make our domaining lifeĀ simplerĀ and most of all faster. Amongst allbrowsers only two stand out as my favourites, Opera and Chrome. In this article I m going to post extensions/plugins for Chrome that I use the most and write a short … [Read more...]

Get your own WordPress Blog Website for free(Limited offer)

Since I have lots of free time and energy too I 've decided to created a limited offer for getting your own Wordpress blog website, for free. While this service its free, development quality and plugin variety will have high standards equal, if not higher, to any other blog development services you can find … [Read more...]