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Search Results for: post format

Best Video WordPress Themes for 2012

Video content in 2011 achieved a tremendous growth following statistical reports showing that video converts to a sale and returning visitors far better than any text content. Every website no matter how small is trying to keep up this trend and re-design their themes into a more video friendly ones. Below I … [Read more...]

Clicksor review

URL: Clicksor.com Brief desription about service and company behind it: Clicksor.com Inc is a sister company of YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. YesUp was founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2001 under the name YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. headquartered in Toronto, Canada. YesUp delivers e-commerce … [Read more...]

Alternatives to Adsense ad network

It doesn't matter if you are using adsense for years or you just launched your first adsense banner, you all know that Google pays less and less for each click that is made through our websites each month that passes by. You should also know that when it comes to monetize your websites diversity is very … [Read more...]

Domains for sale on SEDO and GoDaddy marketplace with inflated traffic

Its been a while that I m active in domaining and each day that passes I become wiser and less enthusiastic about it mostly because of the high scam rate that exists among "domaining" industry. Domaining can offer some of the best thrills that someone can experience when for example he gets to sell a domain … [Read more...]

Domainer Tools for finding and registering dropping domains that you should try or buy

Domaining is all about odds, everyone is trying to find the best domains to buy and pay the least amount for them. This usually happens with domain drops where some valuable domains for some reason arent renewed from their previous owner and eventually they drop in the pending delete phase and after some days … [Read more...]