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Search Results for: news

WordPress 3.6 backend sneak preview(admin dashboard)

In these last versions WordPress is trying to improve its backend user interface making it more user friendly. Make WordPress published a post about upcoming WP 3.6 release while a forum thread on ThemeCanyon featured a screenshot from the modernized admin user interface: Obviously backend redesign is more … [Read more...]

Escrow to Offer Euro Transactions

Anyone who has ever dealt with large domain or website sales in the past is probably familiar with the Escrow service. As many of you may already know, Escrow.com only allows for transactions in US dollars. But, that is about to change! Starting in April 2013, the company plans to give clients the ability … [Read more...]

The VigLink Affiliate Network

Many different affiliate programs online can help you monetize your content – VigLink is one of the more popular. Formed in 2009, VigLink is a content monetization company based in California that aims to make you money by turning all of your outgoing links in to affiliate links automatically. With several … [Read more...]

HostGator Coupon 35% Discount

This is more like a Newsflash post instead of an in depth blog post that I usually publish, the reason is so simple; If you are looking to get cheap BUT reliable hosting, I recommend HostGator for having both virtues and to make it even more appealing they just emailed me a SPECIAL 35% DISCOUNT  for … [Read more...]